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16 Digital Nomad Visas in Europe (2024)

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Working remotely is something I've done for nearly 6 years. Being able to take my work on the go with me has truly been a dream come true and I'm sure, since you're here reading this, you're aiming to take your work on the go, too.

That's where the real magic comes into play: digital nomad visas.

Although they all mean essentially the same thing, these visas are known by a handful of names:

  • Freelance Visas
  • Remote Worker Visas
  • Self-Employed Visas
  • Visa of Independent Means
  • Whatever cute name the country decided to give it instead

These visas are intended to get remote workers to stay in a given country for a year or even longer, striping the nomadness out of the lifestyle. While it's all just semantics, I do think it's important to understanding the intention of these visas and what they offer you as someone who works online.

Currently, I'm a digital nomad. I've been a simple nomad in the past. I've been an expat. I've been employed in-person abroad. These titles have greatly changed my lifestyle and knowing what to chase is key to making the first critical steps of moving abroad. As of 2024, 43 countries around the world are offering visas for remote workers. See the complete list of digital nomad visas with countries in Europe, Asia, Latin America, the Caribbean, and Africa included.

Working remotely from Europe and having access to stay in the region for longer than usual is a dream come true for most. With well-preserved history, fresh food, and an ease of travel within the region are just a few of many reasons why living in Europe as a remote worker is such a convincing route.

Let's dive into the requirements of getting a digital nomad visa in Europe and the countries in Europe currently offering them.

What is a Digital Nomad Visa?

Photo by Anna Hunko.

First the elephant in the room, what even is a remote worker visa or freelance visa or digital nomad visa?

These are specific visas offered by some countries that allow you to legally reside in a country while working online. In simple terms, they are visas that say you can bring your work and do it from inside their borders.

The visas for European countries inside the EU are geared towards non-EU citizens, since EU citizens don't need to deal with the hassle. They're targeting those with residency outside of the EU to be able to enjoy the region for longer. Not all remote worker visas in Europe are for EU countries though.

Most visas will require you to get local health insurance but in case it doesn't, I recommend Safety Wing for basic health insurance around the world.

It's super important that you know not all visas are created equally.

A few of the key differences you'll see between each visa are:

  • In some, you'll owe taxes to your new country of residency, in others you'll be exempt.
  • In some, you need to be a business owner, in others you must be an employee.
  • In most, your clients or employer will need to be based in another country, in a few you'll need local clients in order to get the visa.
  • In most, you'll be able to renew the visa to stay for longer than a year, in a handful, you'll be one (or even less) and done.
  • All of these visas should allow you to bring your family members along with you. Just keep in mind that your monthly income requirement will most likely increase with the number of dependents coming with you.

What isn't a Digital Nomad Visa?

As important as it is to what a digital nomad visa is, it's equally important to know what it's not.

These are a few things that you shouldn't expect from the country you go for:

  • These visas don't always come with residency. They can be a step towards a residence permit but they could also just be a simple visa for X amount of time.
  • They don't always give you a free pass to come and go. Some might force you to spend a certain number of days in the country if you want to extend your visa in the future.
  • They won't necessarily give you a free pass to the EU. You might still just get 90 days every 180 days to every other EU country, except for the country that gave you your digital nomad visa.
  • Their rules are not set in stone. Visas are fluid, they adjust with time. What you might see as a requirement today might not be one in a year. Especially since all of these visas are brand new, I expect they'll iron out some wrinkles throughout the years. This might make these visas more attainable or more exclusive.

How to Find Legitimate Visa Information

Photo by Goran Ivos.

Since working remotely is a hot topic and something that so many are already doing or are dreaming of getting into, there's a lot of information about digital nomad visas out there.

My biggest recommendation: take what you read online or see trending on social media with a grain of salt.

A lot of what circulates are visas that haven't yet been officially approved. Many are ones that a representative said "they're working on" so do your research before you get your hopes up.

Stick with trusted resources that are experts in the field (hi, that's me!), or go directly to the source.

The source in this case is either an official government website and/or the nearest embassy or consulate to your home address. For example, if you live in Nashville, TN and you want to move to Portugal as a remote worker, you'll want to contact the Portuguese consulate in Washington D.C., not the ones in LA or NYC, since that's the closest one to your home of address.

In most cases, your visa will be approved or denied by your nearest embassy or consulate so they know exactly what they're looking for in an applicant. You can reach out to them either by email or a phone call.

Some embassies respond quickly, others can be a pain in the ass to contact so have some patience with this step.

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Which Countries in Europe Currently Offer Digital Nomad Visas?

In this article, I'll do a deep dive into the 16 countries that offer these visas and what it's like living in each of these European countries. Keep in mind that other countries have mentioned offering a digital nomad visa but these are the ones that as of 2024 you can actually apply for.

Lucky for you, many of the countries that offer digital nomad visas are also some of the best places to live in Europe, sweetening the deal even further.

At a quick glance, these are the European countries that currently offer digital nomad visas:

  • Germany
  • Czechia
  • Portugal
  • Estonia
  • Croatia
  • Malta
  • Iceland
  • Greece
  • Romania
  • Hungary
  • Spain
  • Belgium
  • Albania
  • Cyprus
  • Latvia

With such variety in the countries and their exact offers, let's dive into the exact visas that each country has open to remote workers who want to live in Europe.

Germany Freelance “Freiberufler” Visa

an old building under slight construction with a fountain in front of it and many people sitting in the grass.
Photo by Vivian Ceballos.

Germany is one of the most sought-after countries for expats to move to. Ranked as one of the best places to live in Europe, this visa might be the most intriguing to you but do know, it also has some of the strictest requirements.

Germany, as you might have guessed, is a place where bureaucracy rules. You'll be expected to jump throw a few hoops, dot your i's and cross your t's, and have some serious patience to be awarded this visa.

But, if you dream of living in Berlin or living in Hamburg, this will all be worth it.

Requirements for the German Freelance Visa:

  • Completed visa form
  • Proof that you're a freelancer or have a pension
  • Passport with additional pictures
  • CV and Cover Letter
  • Visa Fee (€22-100)
  • Health Insurance (most likely from a German provider)
  • Letters of Recommendation
  • Professional Authorization (proof of expertise)
  • Certifications of Education
  • Proof you can financially support yourself (either by employment or through a pension plan)
  • Letters of commitment from future clients (proving your income will continue)
  • Proof of local accommodation with a signed lease called an "Anmeldung"

Some of these requirements will need to be done before moving to Germany, while others can be taken care of once you arrive.

Germany highlights the type of industry you must work in on their government site. The only difficulty I came across was finding out the amount of income that's "adequate" as a freelancer. The German Office for Migration and Refugees has a hotline that can answer any specific questions and give you the most up-to-date information though.

Czech Republic “Živnostenský” Trade License Freelance Visa/Entrepreneur Visa

Photo by Martin Krchnacek

The Czech Republic, or Czechia, is a landlocked country in Central Europe best known for its vibrant capital city, Prague. A huge perk to living here is you'll have easy access to all of Europe but Czechia has a low cost of living when compared to its neighboring European countries.

This visa is intended for those that want to work as a freelancer with Czech clients. The most common type of person to apply for this visa is an English teacher. Since it can quite difficult to get a sponsored work visa in the Czech Republic, teachers instead get a visa allowing them to be self-employed and offer their services to schools, language institutes, or private classes.

If you're Canadian though, it'd be easier to apply for the Youth Mobility Visa instead.

Requirements for Czech Republic's Freelance Visa: 

  • Passport with additional pictures
  • A background check
  • Proof of funds (required to possess at least 50x 2,980 CZK = 149,000 CZK.)
  • Proof of accommodation (signed by your landlord once you're in CR)
  • Proof of health insurance
  • Ability to pay taxes once you’ve been approved

The initial steps are to be completed at an embassy in your home country but some nationalities are allowed to complete this at any Czech Embassy. 

Portugal D7 Visa

Photo by André Lergier.

Before Portugal announced it's D8 visa (outlined below), digital nomads relied on this D7 visa. This visa wasn't made for remote workers but instead is meant for retirees and those that earn stable passive income. Now that the D8 visa has launched, it's unclear if remote workers can still apply for the D7. Although I'd recommend the D8 if you're a remote worker, I've left the D7 on this list so you can fully understand your options when planning a move to Portugal.

Portugal has boomed in popularity with remote workers in the past couple of years. Once a relatively well-kept secret, Portugal now accepts the most remote workers into its borders. This is a double-edge sword in my opinion.

If you're seeking a country that's farther off the grid, I'm not so sure Portugal is the European spot for you anymore. If though, you want a destination where it'll be easier to make friends with people from all over the world and have a tight-knit community of other online workers, you should short-list it. There are plenty of great places to live in Portugal for digital nomads.

You can also be strategic about the area you moved to and pick it based on it's number of other expats or lack there of.

Requirements for Portugal's Self-Employment Visa

  • Proof of a minimum monthly income of €800 (can usually just show the past 3 months)
  • Proof €7000-8000 in a Portuguese bank account
  • A background check
  • Portuguese Tax ID Number
  • 1-year (typically) signed lease for housing in Portugal

The minimum monthly income for this visa is reflected based on the minimal wage of a Portuguese employee. If you're close to this cut off point, double check the current minimum wage in the country as this number will fluctuate.

Each embassy handles the application process and exact requirements a bit differently, so if you think this could be the visa for you, it's best to reach out to the nearest embassy for the current requirements.

Portugal D8 Visa

The biggest difference you'll quickly see is the Portugal requires remote workers to make a lot more than just ~€800 like they expect for the D7 visa. The other big difference is that the D7 visa allows for continual visa renewals, so long as you continue to meet the requirements, whereas the D8 caps your stay at a max of 5 years. Keep in mind though that in Portugal, it's possible to apply for citizenship just after 5 years.

There are a lot of great places to live in Portugal as a digital nomad, including Cascais.

For the D8, there is a short-stay option and a long-stay option. The main difference is that with the short-stay visa, you can only stay in the country for 1 year but with the long-stay you can stay up to 5 years (if you're able to renew the visa after 2 years).

In general, there are the requirements to apply for Portugal's D8 visa:

  • Proof of fully remote income
  • Proof of a minimum monthly income of €3,000 (can usually just show the past 3 months)
  • Proof €7000-8000 in a Portuguese bank account
  • A background check
  • Portuguese Tax ID Number
  • 1-year accommodation (for long-stay), 4-month accommodation (for short-stay)
  • Travel insurance (we recommend SafetyWing)

Estonia Digital Nomad Visa

Photo by Ilya Orehov.

Estonia was ahead of its time when years ago they launched their e-residency permit, allowing non-citizens to establish their business in Estonia without actually having to live there. Again, they're here with the trend-setters with their digital nomad visa.

This digital nomad visa is intended for those who would like to live in Estonia up to one year.

Whether you may realize it or not, Estonia is an extremely technologically advanced country. If you're eager to live in a country on the forefront of technology and AI, you'll love living here. Just get ready for a pretty chilly winter!

Requirements for Estonia's Freelance Visa:

  • Proof you're a remote worker
  • Proof of active employer contract or proof you own your own business and your clients are primarily not Estonian.
  • Monthly income of €3500 for the past 6 months
  • Application fee €80-100 based on nationality

This visa is typically processed in 30 days and is honestly a breath of fresh air compared to the others. The official website for Estonia's digital nomad visa is easy to understand and outlines clearly the steps you'll need to take to be able to live in Estonia.

Croatia Digital Nomad Visa

Photo by Spencer Davis.

If you crave great beaches, delicious food, a low cost of living, and a laidback lifestyle, you'll probably love living in Croatia. Most expats love living in Split but there are more than a handful of beautiful places in Croatia for you to check out either as your future home or just a weekend getaway.

This visa will allow you to stay in the country for one year. You can apply for a second visa but it must be 6 months after the first visa expires. This is a weird requirement but it's in place to avoid digital nomads from staying in Croatia and working towards permanent residency. If you know you'd like to stay in the country for longer than a year, there are better Croatian visas to apply for.

If you'd just like to give Croatia a try, keep in mind that while it is in the European Union, it's not in the Schengen Area, meaning you can stay in the country for 3 months as a tourist without needing to combine that time with entrance to any other country. Most nationalities don't need a tourist visa to enter.

Requirements for Croatia's Digital Nomad Visa:

  • A completed application form (provided by the embassy)
  • Proof you work online
  • A background check from your home country or country of residency
  • A copy of your passport
  • Marriage certificate, if applicable
  • Proof of health insurance
  • Proof of sufficient funds (income of around $550 USD per month)
  • Croatian address (usually a hotel will suffice until you can move to the country and find an apartment)

Malta Nomad Visa

Photo by Mike Nahlii.

Malta is a European gem that hasn't yet gotten the international attention it deserves. A small island off the boot of Italy, Malta is one of those places where you'll get everything that brought you to Europe to begin with in a pretty small package: a crystal clear sea, history at every corner, fresh food, and a more relaxing lifestyle.

A hindrance for most people is that the cost of living in Malta is relatively high- remember it's an island! That also means it's income requirement is higher than many other European countries, although it's certainly not the highest.

Their nomad residence permit allows applicants to stay in the country for one year, renewable annually.

Requirements for Malta's Nomad Visa

  • Proof of income (€2,700 per month)
  • Proof that you work online
  • A background check from your home country or country of residency
  • Maltese health insurance

This visa seems to be pretty straight forward so long as you pass these requirements. You can reach out to the nearest Malta embassy to get started with the visa. Once you have applied, it should only take around 30 days for your visa to be processed.

Learn more about living in Malta.

Iceland Long-Term Visa for Remote Workers

Photo by Rory Hennessey.

While Iceland is one of the most beautiful countries in Europe, it's also one of the most expensive. Iceland's Long-Term visa for remote workers is targeting foreigners to stay for 90-180 days.

Iceland is not in the EU but it is in the Schengen Area. Since this visa won't give you a long-term residence permit though, this distinction won't be too important to your day-to-day life but might be helpful to keep in mind if friends of yours plan on visiting you while living here.

For some of the most unique landscapes in the world, Iceland is the perfect place to live if you crave spectacular nature, have a passion for photography, want a quiet lifestyle, and aren't too bothered about exploring other European countries while there. Remember that Iceland is an island, so the cost of living is far more expensive than many other countries on this list, if not all of them.

If you dream of living in Iceland for longer than 6 months, this isn't the visa for you. As you'll quickly see with the requirements, it's also only for someone with a highly monthly income.

Requirements for Iceland's Long-Term Visa for Remote Workers

  • Proof of self-employment or proof of employment
  • Must not have been awarded a long-term visa in Iceland in the past year.
  • Must have a monthly income of $7,000
  • Application fee
  • Passport photo not older than 6 months.
  • Photocopy of passport.
  • Health and accident insurance
  • Documents that confirm the purpose of staying in this country, either
  • confirmation from your employer that you are allowed to do your job in Iceland remotely, or
  • confirmation that you are verifiably self-employed in the country where you have permanent residence or work regularly.
  • If there is reason, the Immigration Service may request that the applicant submit a criminal record.

This visa can only be applied for via mail. For more details on how to submit your application and the accompanying documents, Iceland's Immigration Website is helpful.

Greece Digital Nomad Visa

a woman standing on a rocky shore looking out into the blue sea
The colors of the water in Greece really are mind blowing!

Who hasn't day dreamed of living in Greece? I know I sure have. I've imagined a scenario of moving onto a sailboat, spending my days munching on Greek food with crystal clear water just outside my "front door," and sailing to new islands each weekend.

If that doesn't tempt you, we have very different goals in life. Even still though, with cities like Athens, you can get a metropolitan lifestyle instead of one on remote islands.

Greece's digital nomad visa is one of the newest ones to be launched. Just like any new digital nomad visa, I imagine they'll make some tweaks to the requirements as time goes on.

Requirements for Greece's Digital Nomad Visa:

  • Proof of a salary of €3,500 per month after taxes
  • You can be either a remote employee or self-employed
  • If you're applying with a spouse, you'll need to make 20% more each month.
  • If you're applying with children, add 15% to your monthly income for each child.

For more details about what it's really like working remotely from Greece, Work From Greece does a good job outlining everything you'd want to know.

Romania Digital Nomad Visa (Long-Stay D/AS Visa)

Photo by Alisa Anton.

Just like Croatia, Romania is an EU member-state that doesn't abide by Schengen restrictions. That means if you'd like to only spend 90 days in Romania, you can do so without it affecting how much time you have in other European countries.

For those that dream of living in the home of Dracula, the digital nomad visa in Romania might just tempt you. I'll be honest though, the requirements for their digital nomad visa really surprised me when they were announced.

Given that Romania boasts a relatively low cost of living, the minimum income requirement was not what I was expecting. Although some digital nomads spend far more than their local counterparts, many of us are frugal and live as locals do. Given that they're asking for you to make 3x the minimum wage per month though, it seems they're trying to attract a certain type of digital nomad, although in my opinion, just because you make a high salary doesn't mean you'll spend it.

I'll be curious to see if that income threshold stays that way or if they adjust it over time.

Requirements for Romania's Digital Nomad Visa

  • Proof of monthly income 3x Romanian average gross salary for the past 6 months (confirm this with the embassy for updated numbers when you want to apply but for reference, in Oct. 2022 this would mean you're making a salary around $3,800 USD).
  • Proof of online employment for at least 3 years.
  • Letter of intent stating why you want to work remotely from Romania
  • Proof of paid taxes
  • Travel Medical Insurance
  • Travel tickets confirmed
  • Proof of accommodation
  • Clean criminal record certificate
  • 2 recent passport sized photographs

This page from the Romanian government goes into more detail about each of these requirements and the process applicants must take.

‍Hungary White Card

Photo by claupad.

While Budapest certainly gets the hype within Hungary, there's a lot more than just it's buzzing capital city to enjoy here. Although, if you crave an affordable city with excellent public transportation, 4 seasons, and no lack of things to do, Budapest is for you.

This remote worker visa is geared towards anyone who makes their living online, whether you're a freelancer, business owner, or online employee, you're welcome to apply for Hungary's White Card. They only ask that you provide proof of employment or that you do own your company and that you don't work with a Hungarian company or have Hungarian clients.

Hungary's White Card is a residence permit that allows you to stay in the country for 1 year. You can then renew it for another year.

Requirements for Hungary's White Card

  • Provide proof of a remote source of income with a minimum income of $2,000 USD/month
  • If you're employed, you'll need to prove it with a job contract
  • If you're self-employed, you'll need to prove ownership or shares in the company.
  • A passport
  • Passport photos
  • Health insurance
  • Return flight from Hungary (this is in case your application in Hungary is denied)
  • Proof of accommodation (a hotel or a lease)
  • Completed application form

For the official information on Hungary's White Card and how you can apply, their government website clearly outlines all of the details.

Norway Self-Employed or Independent Contractor Visa

Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen.

To live abroad in Norway, you'll have to meet a set of requirements a bit different than most. This visa is certainly not for your typical digital nomad but is instead for people who have their own sole proprietorship and have a specific contract with a Norwegian client or company.

Actually doing remote work while on this visa is prohibited unless it's a stated part of your contract with the Norwegian company. So, pretty much, it's for skilled workers that are contracted for a specific period of time to solely work on that project and nothing more. It's cool because in a lot of countries you'd do this contract work online but in Norway, you can do it in person.

Although you're time living in Norway wouldn't count towards permanent residency, it does allow you to stay up to 6 years at a time.

Requirements for Norway's Freelance Visa

  • Education Documents (proof of schooling/training/competence at your job)
  • Accommodation in Norway
  • Contract with Norwegian client
  • Documentation you’re self-employed as a sole proprietor, not LLC.
  • Visa fee

For more information on Norway's Self-Employed/Independent Contractor Visa, scroll down to the section of this website titled "self-employed persons with a company abroad."

Belgium Self-Employed Worker Permit (Visa D)

Photo by Petar Starčević.

Belgium is an incredibly unique country. With 3 cultures and languages squeezed into a relatively small area, you'll most likely feel as those you were given residency in 3 European countries, not just 1. Brussels is the hub of the action and home to people from nearly every country in the world.

The Belgium visa is a lot like the Norwegian one, it's not intended for stereotypical remote workers. It's intended for self-employed people who have services they can offer to Belgians.

Just like Norway, I debated putting it on this list to begin with but since they're both countries that get circulated a lot as offering a digital nomad visa, I think it's important you actually understand your rights.

While it's not at all meant for remote workers that simply want to open their laptop, connect to the internet, and call Belgium home, it is great for those that dream of living in Belgium and have a very specific service they can offer.

Requirements for Belgium's Self-Employed Worker Permit:

  • Completed and signed application form
  • Documentary evidence related to your professional activity;
  • Visa fee
  • Passport
  • A background check
  • Medical check

You'll first apply to the consulate or embassy in your home country and upon approval, you'll finish up the process once in Belgium. Your residence permit will most likely be for 2 years. You'll be able to renew it up to 5 years.

Get all the details to Belgium's Visa D on the European Union immigration site.

Spain Non-Lucrative Visa

Photo by Jorge Fernández Salas.

We're ending this list with a bang! Spain is easily one of the most popular countries for expats, tourists, and retirees in all of Europe. People dream of the siesta lifestyle, strolling the cobblestone streets, and, of course, the tapas.

From big city living in Madrid to living in Barcelona or smaller towns like Cordoba or Cadiz, you won't be hard-pressed to find a home abroad you love in Spain. While many young foreigners move to Spain as English teachers, working with either the popular BEDA program or as Auxiliares de Conversacion, this visa is actually intended for those making passive income.

Really, the Non-Lucrative Visa exists to attract retirees to enjoy sunny weather and spend their money in pesos. While this really isn't a digital nomad visa, it works as one. Remote workers have been flying under the radar, using their proof of income as their ticket in.

The chance of this working for you, too, will most likely depend on the embassy you apply at and the person actually in charge of your case. If they deny you, they're going by the books, if they approve you, know that you slipped in.

This option is extremely attractive though because it'll give you temporary residency which can be turned into a permanent residence permit. It'll a lot like what's going on with Portugal's D7 visa and just like Portugal, Spain has also talked about launching an official visa for remote workers but that hasn't yet happened.

Requirements for Spain's Non-Lucrative Visa:

  • Annual income of €26,000/year (or €2,100/month)
  • Medical Check
  • Passport + additional photos
  • Background Check
  • Health Insurance
  • NIE Number- this is a special number used in Spain that should be applied for at the Embassy before you apply for the visa
  • Visa fee (€80-500 based on nationality)

Like a lot of the other visa options on this list, you'll start the process in your home country and then finish up the paperwork once you arrive in Spain. All the fine details are highlighted on this government page.

Spain Digital Nomad Visa

Like Portugal, Spain started out with the one visa meant for those who make passive income but ended up attracting so many digital nomads to it they decided to launch a specific visa solely for remote workers.

Just like most of the other visas on this list, this visa is for those who work remotely for a company/employer outside of Spain or for self-employed people with clients or a business that isn't based in Spain. Although they're actually a little lenient and allow you to work inside the country, so long as that work amounts to less than 20% of your total workload.

With Spain as one of the best places to live abroad, it's no wonder that this visa was highly anticipated and is super popular in the digital nomad community.

Requirements for Spain's Digital Nomad Visa:

  • Undergraduate Degree or 3 years of work experience in field
  • Proof of employment
  • Income €29,000/year (or €2,500/month)
  • Application Form
  • Valid Passport + additional pics
  • Background Check
  • NIE Number
  • Visa Fee

In the case that you want to move your family members with you to Spain, you'll need to prove higher income but the number significantly drops for each dependent. Spain's Digital Nomad Visa is a fantastic option for remote workers who dream of working from Spain for one year.

Albania Unique Stay Visa (Visa Type D)

The mighty Accursed Mountains in Albania

Welcome to a beautiful yet underrated European gem! Albania is stunning and has so many beautiful places to visit. Not only is it pleasing to the eye, you'll also be treated to delicious, fresh food, a variety of landscapes, and a low cost of living.

Albania has a long history of providing long-term stays for U.S citizens and Kosovo citizens. These stays were visa free and allowed for up to 1 year. This visa pretty much just adds a layer of legal structure to this still in place tourist option and opens it up to citizens of more countries. It also gives you the chance to renew and stay longer, even to get permanent residency. From what I can tell, it's open to all nationalities as the only thing on their website says is that you must have a "valid travel document recognized in the Republic of Albania."

When you visit their website, you'll see a few different visa options you can apply for. For digital nomads, you'll want to select Visa Type D. This will take you to a drop down where you can easily see all of the requirements and details to apply as digital nomad (compared to a handful of other reasons you want to stay in Albania).

Requirements for Albania's Unique Stay Visa:

  • Online visa application form completed
  • Copy of passport with additional pictures
  • Valid work contract with an overseas employer or client (aka you're not working for an Albania company or client)
  • Proof of accommodation in Albania
  • A bank statement from the past year for proof of income (proof that you make at least $9,800 USD per year)

The process to apply for this visa seems pretty straight forward, which is a breath of fresh air, given that everything is done online. They state that the max waiting time for this should be 12 weeks. Not only is it quick and easy to apply but it also has one of the lowest income thresholds of other digital nomad visas. After spending 3 months living in Saranda as a digital nomad, I can say that you'd live comfortably with the amount they suggest but the more you make, the more comfortable your lifestyle can be.

Head straight to the government's page to learn more about this visa and how you can apply online.

Cyprus Digital Nomad Visa

Photo by Dylan Sosso

I don't know about you but Cyprus seems like such a dreamy country to visit. They've had a rocky history on the island but today, it's a growing tourist destination. My advice to you? Get over there before it becomes the new Greece! Located in the Mediterranean, it's just off the coast of Lebanon, Syria, and Turkey, but traditionally their culture is a mix between Turkish and Greek. Can you imagine a better cuisine?

Anyways, back to the visa! While typically, many nationalities can stay in Cyprus for 90 days every 180 days, this visa allows you to stay for 1 year, with the chance to renew for 2 years. The catch? There's currently a cap to 500 applicants. Although, they've upped the cap in the past so it's possible they'll up it again if it's successful.

Requirements for Cyprus Digital Nomad Visa:

  • Passport
  • Proof of Remote Work (aka a contract)
  • Earn at least 3,500€/month if you're traveling solo but the price will go up to 4,200€/month if bringing a spouse or 4,830€/month if bringing a spouse and one dependent (that number will increase by 15% for each additional dependent)
  • Bank statements with proof of income above
  • Health Insurance
  • Clean criminal record
  • Proof of accommodation in Cyprus

While some of these visas are processed online, for this one, you'll need to submit your papers to the nearest Cyprus embassy or consulate. I recommend you reach out to the nearest one to get an appointment and ask exactly what paperwork you'll need to bring with you. Your visa should be processed within 1-3 months.

Latvia Long-Stay Visa for Remote Work

Photo by depositphotos.com

Latvia recently launched a digital nomad visa but with a huge catch: you must be an employee at a company registered in a member state of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development or are a self-employed person registered in one of these countries.

While that might sound complicated, I was pleasantly surprised to see just how many countries are part of that agreement. It includes many countries in Europe but also plenty of non-EU countries like the United States, Canada, UK, Australia, Mexico, and Colombia, to name a few. The full list of countries eligible are listed here.

I'll be honest, Latvia wasn't on my radar until writing this but after doing some research I think it could be a great country to work remotely from for those that enjoy getting off the beaten path.

Requirements for Latvia's Digital Nomad Visa:

  • Passport + additional photos
  • E-Form
  • Health Insurance
  • Expected residency in Latvia
  • Proof of employment
  • Proof of €2,857/monthly income
  • Visa fee

This visa can be applied for either completely online or at your nearest consulate. Once you've been approved for your visa, you have the right to stay in the country for 1 year with the chance to extend it 1 more.

Take Your Remote Work to Europe

Which of these visas is calling your name? Since nearly all 18 visas have different requirements, standards, and a unique target demographic, there should be at least one visa on this list you'd be able to apply for.

As the world continues to push towards remote working, I imagine more and more remote worker visas, freelance visas, or digital nomad visas will pop up. It's an exciting time for sure for all digital nomads who are craving a bit more stability and want a home base without having to go back to their home country or give up their job.

By choosing a digital nomad visa in Europe, you're giving yourself access to incredible region with the perfect time zone to work with clients all over the world, too. Just keep in mind that the moment you find the perfect visa, apply before the requirements change!

Hero Photo by Bonnie Kittle on Unsplash.

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