Saar is a Belgian traveler. After living abroad a few years in Europe, she took her "heartfortravel" to the next level by moving to the Caribbean last January. She is currently enjoying the island life as a Dutch teacher in a high school in Sint Marteen. She enjoys island hopping on the weekends and sometimes escaping the island life for anonymity in big cities.
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her contributions to a way abroad
Living Abroad
An Expat's Guide to Living in St. Maarten
Stunning beaches, secluded coves, and a vibrant nightlife awaits. See what living in St. Maarten is really like and if living in the Caribbean is for you.
Working Abroad
Gone Working in St. Maarten as a Dutch Teacher
Interested in working in St. Maarten? A unique and tropical experience is calling all native Dutch speakers! Let's find you a job as a Dutch teacher.
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