You probably know what a podcast is if you're reading this, and if I had to guess, you have a few you listen to regularly. Would you like to work with them? Podcasts are the future, and I want to share how I became a successful podcast manager in 90 days.
It's an industry that just started booming, and everything about it looks promising. There are so many opportunities for digital nomads that offer services to support podcasters. You may not know, but behind every 20-minute episode, there's A LOT OF WORK, which means a lot of time. And we all know, time is money.
So, in this blog post, I will share the services I offer to podcasters that save them HOURS of work every day and how I got those skills so you can do it too.
Google Podcasts Product Manager, Zack Reneau-Wedeen, said himself:
"Our team's mission is to help double the amount of podcast listening in the world over the next couple of years."
That's more than enough reason to get into podcasts right now. It's still a new thing, there's not a lot of competition out there, and it will continue to get more and more popular.
If you learn the skills and put in the work, you can become a podcast manager in a couple of months. Then, you will have podcasters reaching out to you asking about your services. That's what happened to me.
Step 1: Know your options as a Digital Nomad
OK. But let's get real, what do I offer? How did I learn those skills? That's probably what you're asking yourself.
Let me walk you through my journey as a digital nomad.
I have the travel bug. That's pretty obvious if you check my Instagram, and that's pretty much why I became a digital nomad in the first place. I love what I do and the mobility it gives me.

I started as a digital nomad as most people I know do, teaching English online. It's easy, there is no stress, no commute, but between you and me, the pay isn't great. And it's not like you have the option of career development either. Because of that, after a couple of years, I realized I wanted more.
I needed more.
After a looot of research, I discovered the term virtual assistant. I've never heard it before, and my first thought was...
"I don't want to be someone's assistant."
That’s a very common misconception. But I shortly found out what it really means and the world of possibilities it gives you as a professional. You can offer many different services, such as:
Common Virtual Assistant roles include:
- Writing and editing for blogs, websites or social media
- Graphic design for brands
- Podcast editing and management
- PR services for public figures, bloggers, podcasters and others
- Project Management for other businesses
- Social media management and engagement
I could go on forever, but I think you get the idea. You can offer any digital/virtual service that is in-demand right now because most business owners don't have the time, the interest or the patience to do it themselves.
For more in-depth details on what it really entails to be a Virtual Assistant, this article will answer your questions.
Step 2: Understand your roles as a Podcast Manager
The one service that particularly caught my attention was PODCAST MANAGEMENT. That sounded fun, dynamic, challenging. I wanted in. I wanted to become a podcast manager.
And I did.
Let’s talk about the tasks and services I offer to start.
-Audio editing:
Using a tool like Audacity (free) or Adobe Audition to edit the audio and remove any unwanted sounds and mistakes.
-Light graphic design:
Creating images for the website and social media using tools like Photoshop, Illustrator, or even Canva! This last one is free if you're getting started now.
-Content repurposing:
Repurpose that episode's content to be used as social media posts, newsletters or blog posts even.
-Uploading episodes:
You need to upload every episode into your client's podcast hosting platform of choice.
-Promoting the podcast:
Basically PR services, you reach out to people that have the same audience as your client to propose a partnership or collaboration.
Do you see how much work is involved in podcasting? It's essential to be familiar with every step of the process if you want to become a successful podcast manager.
I can assure you; most podcast hosts are desperate for help! They have to do all of this by themselves PLUS plan and record the episodes.
Step 4: Invest in your success
Now, let's talk about the next question in your brain right now. Probably, the most haunting. How the heck will I develop all those skills? I've never even heard of those tools before.
And listen to this...
6 months ago, I didn't know any of this either. I learned it all in less than 3 months in an online course called 90-DAY VA. But I don't want to make it sound like it was all so easy and quick.
It took me A WHILE to make this decision. I was one of those people who had purchased online courses before, and let's just say results did not meet my expectations.
I was jaded. I was skeptical. VERY SKEPTICAL.
That's when I signed up for the free class. I told myself:
"You don't have to make any decisions yet, watch the free class, and see if it sounds like something that you want."
Well, Esther said all the right things, she answered most of my questions about how to become a virtual assistant and got me excited about the program, but I was still not convinced.
Like I said, jaded.
And then, something weird happened.

One of my boyfriend's colleagues had joined the 90-DAY VA course. I had met her a couple of times through a digital nomad group - she was teaching English here in Vietnam as well - and I couldn't believe in those odds. It felt like a sign, and I'm not even a superstitious person.
I asked her so many questions:
-How was the course?
-What was she thinking of the support and feedback they offered?
-Was it worth the money?
Well, you probably know the end of this story already. Right?
She was thrilled with the course and recommended I joined it too. I did.
I joined the course on October 19, 2019.
On January 27, I landed my first LONG-TERM client, who I'm still working with today - although it's called 90-DAY VA, but most students find their first clients before the 90-day mark.
On April 10, I was able to quit my teaching job and go full-time VA. I have three lovely clients who push me to be my best self every day. And I'm so grateful for where I am in my life.
Step 5: Use these quick tips to get started ASAP
A great place to start and test the waters are freelancing websites, like Fiverr. Fiverr is an online platform that connects freelancers to potential clients. That’s where I started myself. It’s free and you only pay a percentage of what you earn, meaning $0 investment. Totally safe.
Want more options? Here's a list of 7 other websites for freelancing gigs.
My first gig was designing posts and stories for Instagram, for instance.
-In about a week I got my first order!
-With that my first 5-star review.
-After that orders just kept coming.
I still get clients from Fiverr to this day! Two podcasts I work with now found me there. And I get messages every week from overwhelmed podcasters around the world looking for help.
Of course, not everything is perfect, some clients will be a bit too demanding. Others will try to bargain, but it’s all a part of the process.
Just remember, YOU are the one in charge and no one starts from the top. Be patient, do the work, get the experience, get the testimonials, and after some time you can start your own business with your own clients on your own terms.

I bet there is a service you can offer right now. You can start freelancing TODAY, even if it isn't necessary for podcast management, it's great to go ahead and get some reviews on the freelance website of your choice.
Step 6: Use the skills you already have to get started
Can you write well?
Can you use social media?
Can you make graphics on Canva?
Can you edit audios or videos?
Can you listen to a podcast and turn that episode into a Facebook post?
Small businesses need help with all of those. Give it a try! If it works and you enjoy it, you can even think about investing in a course like 90-DAY VA the same way I did.
If you have questions about podcast management, please send me a message. You can find all my contact info here. Contact me to ask me any questions about how I found clients, what's my routine like, and anything else you might be concerned with. I would love to help others get to where I am today.
*I receive compensation on anyone who signs up for the 90-Day VA course through my link* Read our disclaimer & privacy policy here.