Estella has lived in 3 countries and travelled to 40 more. She enjoys staying in a country several months at a time to immerse herself in their culture. Listening to stories along the way, she documents the experiences and stories of others on her blog, StoryTale. She believes we all have a story to tell. She's been focusing on social issues lately to raise awareness for world travellers on what we can do to contribute as we journey through this Earth.
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her contributions to a way abroad
Living Abroad
6 Things to Know Before Moving to Sweden
Thinking about working or studying abroad in Sweden? After 2 years of living as an expat in Sweden, here are 6 things you should know before you make the move.
Working Abroad
7 Steps to Become a Freelance Video Editor
Wondering how you can be a freelance video editor and work remotely? Find out here in this beginner's guide to becoming a remote video editor!
And just like her, more than 150 other women have shared their stories!
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