Originally a Wisconsin girl, Katy moved out to the west coast after completing college in search of better weather. When her husband approached her with the opportunity to spend a year living in Florence, Italy due to his recent promotion she was excited about the opportunity and began making lists. Now having left her full-time work as a pharmacist back in the states, she spends her days in Italy in pursuit of il dolce far niente.
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her contributions to a way abroad
Tips Abroad
3 Big Steps to Move Abroad For Love
There are many reasons to move abroad and one is moving for love. Find out if you're ready and willing to move abroad for love in just 3 simple steps.
Living Abroad
An Expat's Guide to Living in Florence, Italy
Want to move abroad to Italy? Find out what life is like living in Florence. Learn about the best areas of the city and the reality of living in Florence.
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